English as Additional Language (New)
Commencing in term 1, 2024-2025
English As An additional Language (EAL)
Our language of instruction is English but includes Japanese as an additional language of our host nation. The ability to communicate in more than one language is essential to the concept of an international education and promotes intercultural understanding.
English as an Additional Language (EAL)
The English as an Additional Language (EAL) program supports English language development in the context of our school day. Our program follows research and evidence-based best practices in academic language acquisition. It is guided by WIDA’s English Language Development Standards and is aligned with IB PYP philosophies. Through our program, our EAL and homeroom teachers maximize co-planning, co-teaching and co-assessing time to integrate content, language, and literacy instruction effectively, which accelerates academic language development. All of our teachers are language teachers.
English Learner Definition:
We identify students as English Language Learners (ELL):
When declared by his/her parent or guardian on the Application Form.
When students come from a home where the language usually spoken is other than English.
When students usually speak a language other than English.
When students are determined by an English language proficiency assessment to lack the necessary English skills to participate fully in classes taught in English.
English Learner Identification:
If the student uses a language other than English, the student is administered the WIDA MODEL English Language Proficiency Assessment. The assessment results determine if the student qualifies as an English learner. The WIDA MODEL is valid and reliable and assesses social, instructional, and academic English proficiency in the four domains of reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Additional reading and assessment scores from a previous school may be used to help determine EAL Program qualification.
EAL Program Enrollment and Program Placement:
If it is determined that a student meets our English Learner definition, the student qualifies for EAL services. Parents receive a notification letter of EAL Program enrollment as part of the acceptance offer. The enrollment will be offered as a Conditional Enrollment and is a fee based program, prices reflected are tax inclusive. Placement will not be given without acceptance of the Condition Enrollment and EAL fees.
EAL Program Fees:
80,000 JPY Per Term
Progression through the EAL Program:
EAL and homeroom teachers collaborate to evaluate the progress of English learners receiving EAL service using multiple measures, such as the WIDA MODEL,ISA tests, comprehensive literacy assessments, and classroom work. Parents receive information about their child’s English language progress and proficiency as well as EAL program stage development.
Exit from EL Status and the EAL Program:
Students exit from the EAL program once they achieve the English language proficiency necessary for success in the classroom. Multiple criteria are used to determine grade level success, such as additional English language proficiency tests, NWEA MAP tests, comprehensive literacy assessments, and classroom work. Parents receive notification of EAL program exit. English learners are generally not eligible for exit in their first year.
We have adopted two EAL program models to support the various proficiency levels of our students acquiring academic English: A pull-out model and a co-teaching model.
Pull-Out Model:
New English learners receive instruction from an EAL teacher during an EAL pull-out period. The instruction is specifically targeted for their “entering/emerging” English proficiency level needs.
Co-Teaching Model:
English learners receive EAL support in the Co-teaching model. In the Co-teaching model, EAL teachers collaborate to: a. Co-plan, co-teach, & co-assess with the homeroom teachers during literacy, math or the Units of Inquiry in the homeroom classrooms.
YIS is a member of the WIDA International School Consortium. Member schools use WIDA's research-based standards and assessments to "develop inclusive programs that build on the assets of all learners, while transforming the conversation about what multilingual students can do."