Yoyogi International School English Academy



We offer After School English Classes to non-Yoyogi students during after school hours.


  1. Program: Yoyogi International School English Academy 

  2. Curriculum: National Geographic Our World

  3. Days: Mondays and Wednesdays (2 days a week strongly recommended - choice of attending 1 day is also available)

  4. Hours: 15:45-16:45

  5. Two age groups:

    a. Lower Primary (5-7 years old)        b. Upper Primary (8-13 years old)

6.Price: 20,000 yen for registration fee, 4,000 yen/lesson (tax excluded)

7. Apply

Application form

Upload the application form

  1. プログラム:      Yoyogi International School English Academy 

  2. カリキュラム: ナショナルジオグラフィックOur World

  3. 曜日:           月曜日・水曜日(原則週2回のプログラム、週1日可)

  4. 時間:       15:45-16:45

  5. クラス:        年齢に応じた2クラス 

    a. Lower Primary (5-7 years old)          b. Upper Primary (8-13 years old)

  6. 料金:       入会金 20,000円 (消費税抜き) 1レッスン4,000円(消費税抜き)           

  7. アプリケーションフォーム
